Returned Peace Corps
Volunteers of South Florida

Hi Virginia,

Thanks for your work as President.

I am in Botswana, returning late night Saturday. Fly today to Doha Qatar, out tomorrow to Miami.

My partner, Step Up International, effectively launched their youth program in the last 2 weeks in Molelopole, Botswana, Africa.

I went to the Peace Corps Swearing-In ceremony for 70 new PCV. We recruited some to assist in the volunteer work of Step Up, centered in Molelopole .

I spent a weekend in my and Marisol 's old residence, in Good Hope, population, 2,000. We did a Memorial service, spreading her ashes under her teaching tree. Her clothing was distributed to the villagers. yes! Very emotional. I handed out the love story book.

Our PCV friends came also.

Friday, the youth did a fitness day, as the first launch of Step Up.

Sunday I went to the village where we stayed on our first 90 days in PC, and  visited the homestay family.

Monday was the introduction of Marisol Snow Micro Program. 3 checks were presented, to a chicken broiler project, a purchase of a printer for a young man doing tutoring, and a mother/daughter tuck shop business.

I visited each one. 

A computer was purchased for use by Virginia Mothibi, who will monitor the loan collections for me. Average funding is $500, $10% interest. Step Up is a 501 (c) 3.

Tuesday the primary school students, 30 of them were taken on a field trip to see a Cape Vulture Sanctuary, and water gorge.

We are doing bus costs, meals, all funding out-of-pocket, and I would like some time with you on my return, to get some direction on fundraising , focusing on the micro program. Naresh Kachoria , founder and CEO has worked in Botswana, and now lives in Mass. He will fundraiser in his area.

We plan to visit Bots every quarter to monitor and grow the program.

I am planning to sell my condo for seed money.

Networking in Bots has been good, UNICEF, school districts, etc.

There are no resouces yet, for staffing, in Bots or USA.

The work is rewarding and the micro program will grow.

As you elect a new President, I would like Step Up International be put on the first invite by the new President to outline our program. Noresh will attend also.

As you mentioned in the last newsletter, I am looking for RPCVSF folk to join me in launching this African project, we are not intending to get spread out, we know Bots and love the place!

The central micro theme is to honor Marisol, and we can grow from there.

Looking forward to seeing you and share ideas, and I want to meet the new President, and start networking with more RPCV.

Feel free to present the above at the Board Meeting, see you soon!


Gary Snow

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