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Photos From Recent RPCVSF Events
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414 photo(s)
Updated on: 06 Apr 2024
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Cooking and Conversation Club - 2015
Cooking and Conversation Club - 2015
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Cooking and Conversation Club - 6 14 2015
Cooking and Conversation Club - 6 14 2015
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Bon Voyage Picnic 2015
Bon Voyage Picnic 2015
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Bon Voyage Picnic 2015
Bon Voyage Picnic 2015
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Bon Voyage Picnic 2015
Bon Voyage Picnic 2015
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Miami Heat Game - March 2, 2015
Miami Heat Game - March 2, 2015
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Story Slam - 2015
Story Slam - 2015
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Story Slam - 2015
Story Slam - 2015
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Story Slam - 2015
Story Slam - 2015
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Story Slam - 2015
Story Slam - 2015
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West Palm Beach Valentine's Day Partnership Lunch
West Palm Beach Valentine's Day Partnership Lunch
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Peace Corps Partnership Lunch at Indus in West Palm Beach, February 14, 2015. We raised $ for a PCV project in Senegal.
Peace Corps Partnership Lunch at Indus in West Palm Beach, February 14, 2015. We raised $ for a PCV project in Senegal.
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National Park
January 2015
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National Park
January 2015
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National Park
January 2015
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National Park
January 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
Greg Zell and Diana Strait ( Ukraine )
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
The photo of the beer is quite important to the trip. It is very good Haitian beer and almost cheaper than water. We drank it often.
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
RPCVSF Founder - Greg Zell
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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Haiti - 2015
Haiti - 2015
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RPCVs Brian Doench and Steve Hunsicker (Steve is also our Peace Corps Recruiter), with the framed agreement between Peace Corps and FIU to launch the Peace Corps Prep Program.
RPCVs Brian Doench and Steve Hunsicker (Steve is also our Peace Corps Recruiter), with the framed agreement between Peace Corps and FIU to launch the Peace Corps Prep Program.
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Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet with two elementary school teachers who won the RPCVSF Spirit of Service-Learning Award.
Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet with two elementary school teachers who won the RPCVSF Spirit of Service-Learning Award.
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RPCVSF members welcome Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet (in the center, in a polka dot dress) to Florida International University, to launch the Peace Corps Prep Program. October 2014.
RPCVSF members welcome Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet (in the center, in a polka dot dress) to Florida International University, to launch the Peace Corps Prep Program. October 2014.
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Service Learning 2014
Service Learning 2014
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Service Learning 2014
Service Learning 2014
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RPCV Sondra Weiss-Goldman and Evan Goldman at Service-Learning Award party 2014.
RPCV Sondra Weiss-Goldman and Evan Goldman at Service-Learning Award party 2014.
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Service Learning 2014
Service Learning 2014
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Service Learning 2014
Service Learning 2014
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Service Learning 2014
Service Learning 2014
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Service Learning 2014
Service Learning 2014
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Service Learning 2014
Service Learning 2014
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International exchange students attending the Service-Learning Award party 2014
International exchange students attending the Service-Learning Award party 2014
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Some of the winners of the 2014 RPCVSF Service-Learning Award
Some of the winners of the 2014 RPCVSF Service-Learning Award
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RPCV Josh Young and Stephanie King (Teacher of the Year Coalition) with the 2014 Service-Learning Award winners
RPCV Josh Young and Stephanie King (Teacher of the Year Coalition) with the 2014 Service-Learning Award winners
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RPCVs Barbara Junge (Togo, '85-'87) and Brian Doench (Tanzania '99-'02) at Happy Hour in Miami.
RPCVs Barbara Junge (Togo, '85-'87) and Brian Doench (Tanzania '99-'02) at Happy Hour in Miami.
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