The Annual Everglades Outing is RPCVSF's flagship member event! The Outing gives more than 100 kids the opportunity to see, learn about, and experience the amazingly unique ecosystems, plants, and animals that their home - South Florida - has to offer. Along with an army of caring adults and rangers, the participating kids learn all about alligators, birds, wetlands, and rocklands while spending the whole day active and outside. Most of the children will be coming from local shelters, group homes, and through community-based program. RPCVs make the best volunteers and guides!
Please help support this worthwhile event by donating your time and resources!
When you register, please indicate in the box in the registration form labeled "Messages to and from Members" which volunteer role you will be able to fill:
* Sign-in and welcome crew (need to arrive early to get folks checked in, brief volunteers on their assignments, etc.)
* Tshirt distribution team (need to arrive early to help get tshirts to volunteers and guests)
* General cheerleader and helper (need to arrive early; welcomes all arriving groups, helps transport supplies, makes signs, runs errands, distributes take-home bags at close of event)
* Guide for the nature hike (you'll be responsible for sharing information about the ecosystem in the Everglades, the wildlife seen, etc. - we give you a set of talking points)
* Assistant Guide for the nature hike (you'll make sure that your small group stays together, help answer questions, take kids for bathroom breaks, etc.)
* Lunch prep crew (can arrive a little later in the morning; sandwich making, fruit cutting, drinks preparation, and serving up smiles)
* Third Goal team (responsible for having some items and demonstrations/presentations at the picnic area to tell kids about life in your country of service)
* Cleanup crew (can arrive a little later)